Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Slow with Technology today!

Ok, I have been using all kinds of new technology today so I am slow to post! In Sociology today we watched a case study on the issue of nature vs. nurture. If you were absent you will need to use the internet to complete this assignment. The web address is as follows:

The questions you will need to answer are: Use complete sentences.
1. Explain the "critical period" hypothesis.
2. Describe the person, Genie.
3. Describe how the research scientist tried to socialize Genie.
4. Explain the controvery involved in doing research on "wild child" Genie and Victor.
5. In your opinion, should Genie and Victor have been treated more as research scientific specimin instead of special needs foster kids without any experimentation? Explain.

Also, don't forget socialization quiz #1 is Friday.

American Government students presented their mnenomics for the amendments in class today. Bill of Rights quiz is tomorrow.

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